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Showing posts from September, 2019


Descent  In all societies, there are social groups whose membership is based on descent; members share a common ancestor or living relative. Descent groups help to define the pool of potential mates, the group of people who are obligated to help in economic and political issues, and may even dictate which religion is followed, particularly in unilineal descent groups.  In all societies there are social groups whose membership is based on descent; members share a common ancestor or living relative. Descent groups help to define the pool of potential mates, the group of people who are obligated to help in economic and political issues, and may even dictate which religion is followed, particularly in unilineal descent groups. The term descent denotes the relationship that bonds the child to its mother or father, through which the elements that constitute the main characteristics of their status are transmitted. These include name, surname, heritage, and so on. Descent...

Perspectives on kinship

1. Structure- functional approach to kinship The functional method of anthropology – a method which consists of above all in the analysis of primitive institutions as they work at present, rather than in the reconstruction of a hypothetical past. Functionalists view the family unit as a construct that fulfills important functions and keeps society running smoothly. Functionalists identify a number of functions families typically perform: reproduction; socialization; care, protection, and emotional support; assignment of status; and regulation of sexual behavior through social norms. For functionalists, the family creates well-integrated members of society by instilling the social culture into children.Radcliffe-Brown proposed that most stateless, “primitive” societies, lacking strong centralized institutions, are based on an association of descent groups. These clans emerge from family units. Structural functionalism is a framework that sees society as a complex system whose par...